18 August, 2010

Learn a few words today....

Today is Wednesday, 18th August 2010. I woke up at 4.45 am for "sahur" (no English word for it??). After a few spoons of porridge (bubur kanji/bubur nasi/moi), I tried to prepare myself for school. I have promised to meet the F1 and F2 students this morning. I have even bought a mat (tikar) for Ustaz Zaki and the 2AG students to sit while leading to read the YaSin.

However, I felt very uncomfortable (tidak selesa). I have terrible pain on my spine (tulang belakang). So I did not go to school. I went to the doctor instead. She said I have problems with my lumbar (scientific name) and I have to take calcium to reduce from getting osteoporosis and osteo-arthtritis.(Osteo: penyakit berkaitan tulang lemah/rapuh)


  1. lumbar.the biggest vetebrae in our support system.besides.you also need to do a little exercise to prevent the mass loss of your lumbar.

  2. madam, dont worry...segalanya berjalan lancar,..take care for ur self.

  3. HASRIQ_yourBANDboysAugust 28, 2010 at 3:51 PM

    MAdam,take Care of yourself okay..eat a lot of vitamin n avoid sugary food..i hopE madam is in Pink of health n enjoy your over the moon life...:)


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