28 September, 2010

Pertandingan Menulis Esei Sejarah

Mohd Nur Helmi Izzat b.Zakaria dari Tingkatan 2 Agama telah menyertai pertandingan menulis esei bertemakan sejarah yang dianjurkan oleh Persatuan pencinta Sejarah Negeri Kedah pada Mei 2010 yang lalu. Penyertaan itu mendapat hadiah sagu hati dalam kategori Menengah Rendah Peringkat Daerah Kota Setar. Beliau mendapat hadiah berupa wang tunai serta sijil penghargaan. Penulisannya yang bertajuk "Sejarah Kampung Tok Selehor" bertujuan  mengingatkan serta menanam semangat cintakan tanah air dalam kalangan generasi muda. Tahniah Helmi,.Insyaallah tahun hadapan cuba lagi ye.

Puan Jamaliah selaku Penolong Kanan SMK syed Mohamed Al-Bukhary menyampaikan hadiah kepada Mohd Nur helmi Izzat b Zakaria dan diiringi oleh Pn Jaliah Juewani (Guru Kanan Kemanusiiaan) serta Puan Ong Yain Cheng (Ketua Panitia Sejarah).

25 September, 2010

Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya Aidilfitri SMKSMAB 2010

Memang berbeza.....apa ye?...jamuan raya kita tahun ni betul-betul hebat le...guru-guru yang sediakan jamuan tu untuk semua pelajar,..ada persembahan, tayangan video dan pertandingan baju raya tercantik...wah meriahnya!
Pada hari Sabtu, 25 September 2010,..persekolahan gantian diadakan bagi menggantikan cuti yang telah diambil semasa hari raya lepas...dan hari ini selepas rehat diadakan Majlis Jamuan Aidilfitri 2010 bagi semua warga SMKSMAB.

Selepas rehat, semua pelajar berbaris untuk menikmati bihun sup yang telah dimasak sendiri oleh PK HEM, iaitu En. Azizan B Saud bersama pelajar asrama. Sebelum itu ramai guru-guru menyingsing lengan bekerjasama menyediakan pelbagai keperluan jamuan seperti minuman, ketupat nasi dan kuah kacang serta kuih-muih dan buah-buahan. Bersyukur dan gembira semua guru-guru serta pihak pentadbiran melihat pelajar makan dengan penuh gembira. Madam Dewi Rosnah juga sibuk melayan pelajar-pelajar makan,...memang bertuah betul pelajar Al-Bukhary!

23 September, 2010


It is just another dream comes true. The ANJUNG AL-BUKHARY is now almost complete except for the finishing touches. Infact, we have already used it on the very early morning of the first school day after the Hari Raya break (19th September 2010). It was raining and at about 7.45am it was real heavy but our Anjung managed to house more than three cars at a time to unload the passengers, depending on how it was parked. I watched with melting hearts...recalling some of the 'sweet n sour' moments to achieve the dream.

The idea of building the Anjung struck my mind on the very first day I was assigned to be the Principal here. I found that there was no distinguished landmark of the school. My first few day's arrival was a bit chaotic; infact I missed the school gate! (Prior to that, I was trying to imagine something special about the school building but found none). Later I tried to locate a few parts of the school to make it something symbolic in the magazines, documents, etc but none was really  established. A few days later, I noticed that our students had to brave the rain to reach their parents' car outside the compound. It was really dangerous! I wished nobody would be hurt by falling, slipping or at least wet! I started to throw out the idea to a few teachers, parents and students. The responds were very positive.

Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, we could not get any allocation from the Education Department. So we worked out the "AMONIA" or A Morning In Al-Bukhary (ps: refer to earlier posts) and managed to raise enough fund to build ANJUNG AL-BUKHARY.

But, the challenges did stop there...infact we faced a few unforeseen challenges. I will share with you all in my next posting.


17 September, 2010


The 1st Malaysia Day was celebrated yesterday, and will be looked forward every year on the same date. For the first time, it was officially launched as a public holiday to commemorate the historic formation of MALAYSIA. According to the New Straits Times reports, more than 40,000 people from all walks of life  thronged Padang Merdeka in Kota Kinabalu. It was there in 1963 that the proclamation of Malaysia was made by the then chief minister, Tun Fuad Stephens,  with the presence of the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein representing the Federal Government.

Now, after 47 years of rapid developments, we are entering a new era... with the  1 Malaysia Concept. Our Prime Minister was quoted to have said that "all Malaysians, whether they are in the urban or rural areas, must be accorded the opportunity to excels in fields they have potential in".

So, in accordance to that, I wish my students...or rather MY BELOVED STUDENTS, please be prepared for anything and everything. The future is for you to plan,  design and determine. The challenges and race for success are getting hotter and riskier. Only the best will make it. So....

Be ready for it!

And my best prayers for you all  along the way.

11 September, 2010

CELEBRATING HARI RAYA 2010, 2000, 1990, 1980, 1970,1960....

1960: I can hardly remember anything..I was about two years old then..but I believe my mother must have dressed me with the best piece of cloth available at that time...just a piece of cloth I believe...

1970: I was in Std 6 primary school. It was a tough time as my dad was just paralysed and bedridden. My mum had to fork out for everything. I cant really  remember what I had for raya then...but I do remember my mum sew a yellow dress with white borders around the neck. The material was so thin. I guess that was what my mum could afford to buy. I was ashamed to wear it. It was rather transparent. When I was in Form 1 (1972) I used my savings to buy  a purple long sleeve t-shirt. My mum could not afford to prepare one for me...

1980: The first time I celebrated as a wife! My father-in-law gave me some budget for my clothes but there was no tailor available at the last minute. So I bought a simple black shirt and a green towel- material- jacket...very practical  to use for traveling every week to KL as I was offered to continue my degree course.

1990: I celebrated with my children..three of them..and one on the way..They were cheerful kids, very noisy, active and the whole journey to my hometown was always non-tiring. They were lucky.. they have enough to spend and wear..

2010: A week before, I had a pre-Hari Raya session with my teachers and students..the 3-in-1 session was very hectic but meaningful. I was the proudest and happiest madam principal.

Yesterday, I celebrated with my 4-year old grandson..a very active, talkative and witty boy. he made us fully occupied..

Will I have the opportunity to celebrate this day again next 10 years?

I wish I could..with my extended families, ex-teachers and ex-students!!!


1st of Syawal was very much looked after by most Muslims yesterday. I believe you were among them. So did I. Even though I was still in the office the day before, but Eid has long been  prepared; moderately. It was just another colourfull day for us, with the children coming in groups to collect the "duit raya". I still have to do my bits of disciplining the children..just as at home and in school...

Going around from house to house "collecting duit raya" is not the way to celebrate! Children should be advised to visit their ekders, neighbours, friends, etc to ask for forgiveness, to create new friendship, to strengthen family ties, etc. Some children do not even get down from their bikes but just stretch out their hands for money..just like thugs or beggars! no smiles, no greetings, some not even uttering a word or looking at us..and off they go for the next "collection".

But they really got a lesson from me yesterday..no manners, no money! and for those who politely entered the house, they have proper foods and drinks, and of course a proper envelope of "duit raya"!!

02 September, 2010

Kemuncak Kemerdekaan dan Ambang Aidilfitri di Al-Bukhary.

Hri ini  (khamis) bersamaan 2 September 2010, adalah hari terakhir persekolahan sebelum bercuti selama 2 minggu. Hari ini juga melakar sejarah buat semua warga SMKSMAB kerana telah dilangsungkan 3 majlis yang saling berkaitan iaitu Majlis Penutupan Bulan Kemerdekaan, Majlis Khatam  Al-Quran serta Majlis Sumbangsih Aidilfitri yang bakal menjelang.

Sememangnya menjadi ingatan, majlis gilang gemilang...dihadiri pelajar, guru dan semua warga...diceriakan lagi dengan kesudian waris pengasas sekolah ini iaitu Sharifah Fatimah yang menyampaikan hadiah dan sumbangan kepada pelajar. Majlis bermula pada jam 11.00 pagi.  Aktiviti yang padat hari ini dimulakan dengan penyampaian hadiah kecemerlangan pelajar tingkatan 3 yang cemerlang dalam Peperiksaan Percubaan PMR serta pelajar tingkatan 4 yang cemerlang dalam ujian bulanan Julai lalu.
Sejurus selepas itu bermulalah Majlis Penutupan Bulan Kemerdekaan, pelajar-pelajar yang memenangi pertandingan yang dianjurkan sempena bulan kemerdekaan ini diberikan hadiah oleh Jabatan Kemanusiaan melalui Panitia Pendidikan Sivik.

Hadiah kecemerlangan akademik disampaikan oleh Pn Fadhilah, Guru Kanan Sains dan Matematik, manakala hadiah sempena bulan kemerdekaan disampaikan oleh Pn Jamaliah bt Abdul Fatah (Pen. Kanan) diiringi Pn Jaliah (Guru kanan Kemanusiaan).

Acara Penutupan Bulan Kemerdekaan juga diselitkan dengan persembahan deklamasi sajak oleh saudara Aiman dan Nasihah daripada tingkatan 2 AG.

Majlis Khatam Al-Quran diketuai oleh Ustaz Zaki b Mohd Ali, disertai oleh guru-guru (Cikgu Abd Halim, Cikgu Shahnur, Cikgu Ezzat dan Cikgu Shahidan) dan 52 orang putera puteri SMKSMAB.

Selepas Majlis Khatam Al-Quran, bermulalah acara kemuncak iaitu Sumbangsih Aidilfitri. Madam Dewi Rosnah memaklumkan kutipan yang akan dikembalikan semula kepada warga SMKSMAB yang memerlukan berjumlah RM7000.00. Sesuatu yang amat membanggakan!.

Majlis sumbangsih dimulakan dengan menjemput Puan Hajah Sharifah Fatimah memberikan sumbangan kepada pelajar Pendidikan Khas, diikuti oleh guru-guru yang memberikan sumbangan. Sumbangsih aidilfitri ini merupakan acara tahunan, sumbangan juga diberikan kepada pelajar-pelajar yang telah dikenalpasti memerlukan serta tidak lupa kepada pelajar yang ketiadaan ibu atau bapa ( anak yatim).

Akhirnya, tibalah majlis ke acara yang pasti tidak dilupakan oleh semua warga SMKSMAB iaitu acara memberikan "duit raya" kepada semua pelajar., mungkin jumlah yang diberikan tidak seberapa namun bak kata Madam "sebagai tanda ingatan". Sambil bermaaf-maafan...bersalam-salaman, diiringi dendangan lagu-lagu raya yang memeriahkan suasana...peristiwa ini menjadi nostalgia indah buat kita semua...


In the name of Allah,
The most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.

I must say that we are all blessed to be Malaysian and were granted another opportunity to celebrate our 53rd Independence Day. This year the celebration is different as there is no  gathering and procession from the Dataran Merdeka. But despite of that, we were  still able to feel the mood indoor of the Bukit Jalil Stadium through the telecasts.

As for Bukharian, we have made another history as we had led the Merdeka gathering and procession around the Education Complex in the morning. Our Tambor was just superb with their beats, followed by our VIPs and a thousand-odd of teachers and students from the six schools in the enclosed area. Iskandar and Adam of our KRS led the "doa" and flag raising respectively. I was overwhelmed by the event.

At 6-30pm we gathered again at our "musolla' to recite the "YaSiin" for our little Year 6 students to face their UPSR, followed by prayers, mass "berbuka puasa", "terawih" and "moreh". We then proceeded to Al-Farabi Hall for the Merdeka countdown. Unfortunately there was no life telecast but we made it awesomely well and in high spirits. Above all, a performance by our boys, Safwan and his friends again was the most memorable, effective and meaningful.

To all Bukharian, congratulations and TQ for making our Merdeka Day Celebration  this year a REAL DIFFERENCE . We have managed to free ourselves from the concerts, fireworks and parties.

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